
List of fics with PDF/DOCX available upon request.
Categorised per author.
[*] Authors’ own download links, so it means it is legit stuff.

Fic request is stopped for the time being. I am working for their download links. For the meantime, click on the title to read online!

[0_andy_0] *





















118 thoughts on “PDF/DOCX

      1. haha…i almost lost my heartbeat hearing your reply:)…thank u so much again dear!!!n if u like yunjae fics i might be able to give u some in my hand too:)

  1. i just read lifeline and it was sooo amazing!!! i loved it so much!!! thanks so much for sending me the pdf!! : D

    1. Hi there! I do not send out Sesushiai fics anymore. I am sorry, but if I am going to send them to you, it would be unfair for those who asked beyond the given time and I declined their request. Hope you understand.

  2. Hi ^^
    Can u please send me yulebaifenbai90’s fics….?
    I would like to hav all of them… Please
    sorry to trouble u….
    I’ve already sent an email req…. But I requested here again just in case that u missed my email….^^
    I rly rly want ’em….
    Thx a million… Love ya~

  3. hello, can you please send me some yunjae’s fics… please plese…
    i’ve just got this page today and i really want to read yunjae’s story…
    this is my mail hikaru-kazu@live.com
    send me please ^^

  4. Hi! You have a humongous lists of awesome YunJae fics and authors. 🙂 I’m glad I found your blog. 😀 And it’s surprising you have pdf’s of some of my favorites authors. 🙂 I would want all of paperockets fics and also yule’s? Thank you in advance and you’re so awesome for taking time to talk to the authors to ask permission to these works and share them to others as well. 🙂 By the way this is my email, karenhazel_agetro112994@yahoo.com or if it wont sent, stormygodsoftheeast@gmail.com is my alternative email. Thank you in advance! God bless, 🙂

  5. I was looking for paperrockets fic! Can you give me all of these you listed above, including from other authors, like really ALLL~~~~? I’m having so much free time right now, and all of these authors are popular one. I saw people searching for their fics a lot. Please send it to me in


    Thank you so much for asking for their permission for us! You rocked!

  6. Hello , I am a Cassie and YJ supporter for 2 years now . I was wondering if you could please sent me any pdf/doc you have to my email : cleahathaway@gmail.com (including Jung Brothers ) . I want to have as many fics I can in my pc because sometimes my internet connection stops and I want to have something to read . So it would be super duper great if you could find some time to send them to me I will love you for 5ever .^w^

  7. hi! I just found out this amazing blog with amazing yunjae fanfic 🙂
    and because I usualy read ff from pdf or word from my phone, wpuld you please me send me yulebaifenbai90’s ffs??? 😀 but it would be even greater if you send me all fics xDDDD
    here is my email blackest.mind00@yahoo.com

    thank you so much!!!! really, u are just really cool with this awesome blog!!! 😉

  8. i love you , i love you n i love you … thankyou thankyou so so muchhhhh
    goshh what should i say now ?… thankyou again … dear plz .. pretty plz send me all the fanfics listed above ( nrsjyj/paperockets , reyfem and yulebaifenbai90 ) my email priyankadebnath23@gmail.com

  9. you’re really a life saver..thank you :)… oh send my thanks to paperocket also for giving permission to read her fics again.. 🙂

      1. i see . . . but in the future will you able to send a copy of pdf’s? 😀 if you’re not busy?

      2. I am not sending PDFs now because of my desktop virus problems, which I dunno until when. Just read the online copy for the meantime. Don’t worry, I won’t delete them. ^^

  10. Hi, i just have a question about a fic called “bad romance ” by an auther I think it was sekushiai ?
    Do you have a pdf to this fic cause I can’t find her journal?
    Thank u ^_^

    1. I am sorry but I do not have Bad Romance of sekushiai. Plus the author does not want distribution of her fics. You cannot find her blog anymore because she deleted it.

  11. Hi dear, I don’t know what’s happening but I can’t open the links. It always says “Webpage is not available” something like that… Ottoke??? I want to read it so bad~ T^T

    1. Hello, what links you cannot open? Mediafire links? It was being crazy to me last night so I dunno if I have fixed it or what.

      EDIT: Well, I checked the Mediafire links but they are okay. What seems to be the problem, dear?

  12. There seems to be a problem with Willowing’s link to Shifting Moon? Once the link it clicked, it would say “website can not be displayed.” Is there any other way to get a pdf of the fic? My email is jeree85@gmail.com

    1. Sorry, but the link to Shifting Moon is not mine, but the author’s. If she took it down, I could not do anything about it. I do not even have the PDF, and I cannot send them without permission.

  13. Hi, could you send me yulebaifenbai90 fanfics and all the other yunjae stories you have to insiya@live.se ?
    I don’t know if you still do, but figured I can take a chans and ask 🙂 I’d really appreciate it if you could.

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